The State of Play — Technology Opportunities Across Africa

In 2017 I was lucky to be a contributor to the State of Play report published by the African Technology Foundation, as part of the U.S. State Department’s Lions@africa initiative.

From the African Technology Foundation:

The month of September 2017 ushers in our inaugural report on the leading technology ecosystems and opportunities across the African continent. Aptly titled State of Play, the publication provides a continental, regional, and industry specific look at the evolution of technology ecosystems in Africa. By beginning with an overview of the general growth trends within the continent, the youthful population, and the bias towards innovation and entrepreneurship, the report sets the stage for a deep-dive into the component pieces of technology and innovation on the continent.

As technology and innovation assets gain considerable trade value across Africa, this report seeks to provide some context to the variety of growth catalysts that are advancing African technology and innovation ecosystems. By highlighting reasons for celebration, not just of talent, but of true lasting infrastructural changes on the continent, and opportunities for governments and stakeholders to fine-tune strategies to help foster further growth, readers will walk away with a 360 view of the current opportunities on the continent, and some of the most active innovation hubs.

Download the full report